2010, new me, new blog?

something like that la
i've got a new blog specially for 2010

it's a life of a 17.

and also... the chatbox is linked to this blog and my current blog...
so try not to get confused with the contents of the chatbox when necessary xD


Saturday, December 6, 2008


since i was a kid...
injuries were unavoidable with my clumsy nature
the least were bruises
the worst....well... there are some
here are some of them that i could remember with the scars i have on me... xD

my chin has said to be "opened" around 3 times
my auntie told me when i was 4 or 5 i was running up the stairs and i fell
though i dont really remember was it the first or the 2nd time i hit my chin and it tore open
it needed stitches but i fell again
so i guess it was the first? xD
the third time i remember clearly
i was jumping into a swimming pool but i was scared it was deep so i jumped in facing the wall
and so it bleeded... it hurts though
but i guess i'm not the only one with this scar... i know my cousin brother has one... xD

the next one was because
i dropped the ketchup bottle...
i dont know how but i did
then i panicked and i stepped on some glass
i was like calling my auntie to "save" me but she was busy doing something else
finally she came
i think she did wash it then bandaged it... *i think*
but she still took me to the doctor incase the wound still had glass in it
i remember wearing slipper to skool... primary 3?
it was pretty hard to walk and bath...

then there was a time i was riding a bike at some relatives
i guess i rode too fast and turn suddenly
so i fell
this one was a hole

i got one
i was pushing my grandma's wheelchair up the hill
it got stuck... my leg whacked it... it hurt
but i tot it was like another bruise...
then when i went back in the house my mom asked what happened to my leg
then i saw it was bleeding...

and there were some not caused by me...
but it's there
